Ferris bueller was right....
...... Life does move pretty fast.
I find myself a few months away from turning 45 and thinking about how I spend my time. We're all busy with the necessities of life; working to pay for the lifestyle we have and working harder to achieve the lifestyle we think we want. But every now and then many of us we take pause and reflect about our present life, the path to here and now, and how we ought to tackle the path forward.
I've always been of the mindset that life ought to be filled with the road less traveled; a balance of reckless and responsible, but always with an appetite for (mis)adventures big and small. Each person bound by the limits of their own making.
"If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
As a kid I was fearless and unstoppable when it came to curiosity. I cared so little (but still respectful) for convention and expectations imposed by others. Now I find myself mostly living a life expected. Lamenting about my lost inner child, my cousin suggested that I start a blog that's centered on things I try to motivate new experiences. Try something new or try something again, all in the effort to live deliberately, curiously, and bravely. The blog will enable accountability and remind me to maintain a sense of humor about the trials and celebrations.
I'm mindful that this ought not be about the number of items to tick off a list, but more about a reminder that I should continue to try to live my life as Ferris had advised.